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A face in the clouds

A face in the clouds or "a crack in the sky" (DB)

In many of my paintings there are a myriad of various reasons, ideas, motivations, thoughts and feelings that go into a piece, unsurprizingly this piece is like that.

I wanted to paint a contemporary seascape painting, with something vague, in the present, with a now-nest about it, while maintaining a sense of grounded context, within the image and also in the context of art/ image making tradition. To this I wanted to add sense of a greater mystery.

I grew up near the coast in North Dublin and I have spent many hours and days upon daze, observing the sky, day and night, mainly for creative art reasons but also for astronomy and astrology. After a while studying how clouds move and look and which star is which, which stars are what constellation and where's the Moon, learning many things, from time to time one may see objects and or events which don't fit easily into simplified catagories and on occation I have been with others who have noticed the same events, simply put "we" do not know everything, nor can we explain everything in our experience using left brain rational thinking and that's part of the great mystery of our human body experience.

If you go on line you will find all sorts of videos, articals, blogs etc. about Unidentified Aerial Phenominon aka: U A P's previously known by another acronym U F O's

Unfortunately U F O has become weighted with certain kinds of image assocciations and is no longer a relevent term within the context of a contemporary narrative and magikally someone thought U A P would fit much better for the present.

These are just a selection of reasons why I painted this image and I hope that you the audience would feel it worth thinking about as a new story a contemporary mythology of now.

Having said all that and not being sure how others think or feel about the great unknown, the mystery, the vague and unanswered things in our world, I do know one thing for sure, if you are not looking at the sky regularly or you are not paying attention to your intuition you will not create an oppertunity to have such an experience, then you may never know for yourself, first hand, what these events or objects are, also you will not know the energy signiture of them, a sense or a feeling of their proximity.

I have quite a bit more tto say about this and another similar painting that I will make a video about them, this very evening and you can find it on my you tube channel

od_ART_tv (You Tube)


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