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Fine Art Photography

Everything swirling in a grand spiraling dance, linked by the invisible threads of the universal energy, the charge which propels everything into perpetual motion. 

From tiny flowers and insects to the land, the sea, the skies distant on the horizon, massive stars, the constellations and everything in between, including us and with this as a creative starting point I looked to natures abundent materials  to create these Fine Art Photographs.

To look, to see, that is the gift of our sight, to record it all, that is the gift of the artist and the camera.

Creative Photography

This approach to photography has a more collage feeling, similar to how I would create a painting, with a distinctly different visual look to it than the collection of landscape photographs


These art works are created using a found object art concept, incorporating flowers and other objects against the sky background, they have a more playful, fun yet visually dramatic creative end result,

This a technique which I am exploring further and this collection is sure to expand as time goes on.

Fine Art Prints

Would you like to purchase one of these images as a Fine Art Print?  Professionally printed on high quality Fine Art Paper. 


A limited edition of 50 high quality prints are available of each image, signed/ unframed.


To guarentee the highest quality prints on the best quality paper I prefer to have the prints out-put by a professional Fine Art printer in Dublin, which will provide  a certificate of authenticity that complies with international industry standards, as opposed to print on demand, of which I would have less control over the final visual product.

Please feel free to contact me by e-mail for further information.

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