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Consistently inconsistent

Consistently inconsistent, it may seem.

That's nothing like reliably unreliable, ye know? (I'm laughing) or even usefully useless.

Like the Moon I'm there but not always visible and like the Full Moon, all will soon be revealed.


"Environmental Armageddon central"

The people on FB I like but not the platform itself.

It seems to me that FB and social media in general was more friend focused originally, now!?? Now it's socialist media and political propaganda, flavored with environ-mental Armageddon, full on fear porn central.

"Have or want"

I should say that I don't have or want FB on my phone.

I only use FB on the PC (personal computer), if I'm busy with other things, painting, photography or other magikal creative actions, I don't like to get distracted, by the evil phone, beeping and notifying me of all sorts of stuff.

Bleep, bleep, ring, funny noises from the little object which is not in my hand or on my person.

"Notification trauma" (Soon to be a syndrome and a dis-ease)

In my studio the phone would most likely end up getting painted on or become an integral part of a sculpture, which it may well prefer as it's primary purpose.

You can't really use both hemi-spheres of your brain if one hand or all your attention is on a tiny de-vice which has kidnapped your hand and mind.

Bleeep, bleeeep, ring, buzz, buzz ..................................................................................

Signs of "notification trauma", sound of breaking smart assed phone glass smashing eloquently off the wall in a beautifully choreographed expression of self love.

And still the notifications will keep coming like a tsunami of gibberish information so consistent that it makes inconsistency a stylish act of free will and independent creative thought, an amazing and very desirable state of mind.

I state my mind and hope the state and FB censor won't mind?

QED and etc, eg. .ie , abc, xyz,


The opinion of the artist is subject to winds of change and may alter or not depending on circumstances on a whim or an intuition or even on a Tuesday.

The change was intended to be for the betterment of the all, of the art.

The artist and related persons and or associates whether real or fictional are not and never have been responsible for any unforeseen misinterpretations, misrepresentations, misconceptions, misunderstandings, misapprehensions and or any other near misses imaginary or otherwise relating to and or arising from any art work/ image/ text or combination of the aforementioned from the past, present or future which may or may not have been seen, viewed or read, knowingly or unknowingly by any persons/ nonpersons,

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More images will soon be available on the new improved .

All creative content (posts) are solely the opinion of the artist and are subject to change/ and or alteration at any time without prior notice, no information on this site is intended to cause offence or negativity of any sort.

#Artist: Séamus Ó Dúill / oduillart / Dublin, Ireland

I have done my best to include references, credits and links any omission in this regard will be corrected when noticed or asap.©Séamus Ó Dúill_artist

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